Friday, March 9, 2012

Tell the people I love them.

I have been following the social media’s gossipmongering about all things Roman Catholic which is unavoidable. Whenever there is obvious factious polarity I look for the ‘underlying’ cause beyond the scapegoating for that seems to be the mocking way the enemy slips past. The foundational struggle is quite simple. Satan and his cohorts hate everything that God has made. The enemy of our souls hates Creation. ‘God looked upon it and pronounced it ‘good’. Then God rested. [Darwin vs. God]

The enemy of our souls really got upset at God’s love of Adam. And then Eve! God created them ‘male and female’. God created man in His image. Adam and Eve could have had ‘paradise’ forever but it was ‘that one thing denied!’. [Lot of vs. could be listed….Eve will crush the head of Satan.]
Not only was the enemy upset about being ousted as favorite and not able to be the top dog but even after he was able to make Adam and Eve ‘fail’ big-time, God continued to favor them and allow them to vessels of more men and women! […vs. sacramentality of marriage] [Abraham’s offspring fight….]

There we come to the core of the rage against God. The sacramental nature of Creation ‘from the Beginning.’

One can continue reciting ‘individual’ instances and crying foul such as getting upset about politicians or any political/social activist receiving the Eucharist unworthily. But the real issue is the Eucharist itself. The real issue is the Body of Christ. The ‘points’ where God has chosen to be present with man.

‘The Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath.’ When even the leaders sacramentally chosen by God refuse to honor and defend the sacramental-grace nature of the Body of Christ such individual call-outs seem to others as petty nitpicking. When even clergy at every level ‘unworthily’ and ‘publicly’ daily receive the Eucharist and are not called out there is a veritable heartrending cry of betrayal. When the rich and powerful continue to be allowed to receive the Body of Christ and influence Church policy and life and canon laws the hypocrisy ‘cuts deep.’

It is time for the scapegoating to end and no matter what anyone thinks about me or all of this nauseating scandal Christ will clean His House. I, for one, am trembling and grateful He is Mercy as well as Justice and Truth. "If I err may it be on the side of Mercy.'  My prayer is that Christ allow me to follow Him even as He goes 'outside the camp' in search of His lost sheep who tear at His Heart---for whom He longs...

It is hard for those outside the Church to respect Catholics when they themselves do not honor it.  How can there be so many pointing fingers and judging about unworthy reception of the Eucharist when there are very long lines on Saturday and Sunday to receive the Body of Christ BUT sometimes no one in line for the Sacrament of Confession?  And how can anyone get upset if even the priest sometimes doesn't come to hear the Confession?  Or when the priestly advice to a young man/woman who confesses he/she is engaging in sexual intercourse is 'just don't get pregnant'? 

The cause of the scandal is with the leaders who have been charged with 'semper fidelis' but who have chosen other gods.

It is hard for those outside the Church to respect Christ’s Body when men, women, children, unborn babies, families, the poor, the sick, the persecuted, those horrible abused, the mentally ill, the mentally challenged, the elderly, the dying ‘within Christ’s Body’ are left spiritually unprotected and ravaged from ‘within’ and ‘without’. It is no wonder people are leaving when the foundations of Christian community have been handed over to the state and social welfare and the ‘works of mercy’ have been relegated to ‘grantees’ of state and federal funds which rarely go very far ‘down the ladder.’ That is why Jesus Christ pronounced socialism/communism/Marxism as the sin of Judas.

The standing orders of Christ remain: ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’ ‘Wash one another’s feet.’ ‘Serve one another.’ ‘No greater love has any man than this than to lay down his life for his friends.’

“Tell the people I love them, tell the people I care…when they feel far away from Me tell the people I AM there.”

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